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Protected Species


Badgers and the law

Badgers and their sett are protected against damage and disturbance by the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act as amended 1981.

It is an offence to kill, injure, or cruelly ill treat a badger, or attempt to do so; or intentionally or recklessly interfere with a sett.

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment, and the seizure of equipment. Both the company and the individuals can be held responsible.


Surveys for the presence/absence of badgers can be undertaken at any time of year although surveys are more effective in spring and autumn/winter.

Weaver Ecology Ltd offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Badger in chamomile.jpg


Bat Information and the Law

All Bats species and their habitat are protected against damage and disturbance by The Bonn Convention EC habitats directive Conservation (habitats & c) Regulations 1994 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act as amended 1981.

It is an offence to:

  • Deliberately or recklessly capture, injure or kill a bat

  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat at a roost

  • Intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a roost

  • Deliberately or recklessly disturb in a way that would significantly affect their local distribution or abundance, or affect their ability to survive, breed or rear young

  • Damage or destroy a bat roost (this is an ‘absolute’ offence)

  • Possess, control, transport, sell, exchange or offer for sale/exchange any live or dead bat or any part of a bat

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment, and seizure of equipment. Both the company and the individuals can be held liable.


If a development is to affect structures or habitat (eg. mature trees) that could potentially be used as bat roosts  a survey must be undertaken by a suitably experienced ecologist. The surveyor may require a bat license dependant on the survey methods involved.

Initial walkover surveys and inspection of potential buildings

work in progress.....

Weaver Ecology Ltd offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Brown Long-Eared Bat.jpg


Dormice information and the law

Dormice and their habitat is protected against damage and disturbance by The Bonn Convention EC habitats directive Conservation (habitats & c) Regulations 1994 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act as amended 1981.

It is an offence to kill, injure, or cruelly ill treat a dormouse. It is also an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct access to any structure or place which a dormouse uses for shelter or protection.

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment and the seizure of equipment. Both the company and individual can be held liable.


Surveys for dormice can be undertaken at any time of year although at least one survey will need to be carried out between May and October. Surveys must be conducted by a suitably experienced ecologist. Where surveys methods involve the capture, handling or disturbance of dormice a survey license must be obtained from Natural England.

Weaver Ecology Ltd offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Hazel Dormouse curled up in leaves.jpg

Great Crested Newts

Great Crested Newts and the Law

Great crested newts (GCN) are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, EC Habitats Directive Bern Convention and the Conservation (Habitats & c) Regulations 1994.

Killing or injuring a great crested newt is prohibited. It is also an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct access to any structure or place which a GCN uses for shelter or protection.

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment  and the seizure of equipment. Both the company and individual can be held liable.


Surveys to confirm the presence/absence of great crested newts can only be undertaken between March and June inclusive. Four survey visits must be undertaken with atleast two being carried out between mid-April and mid-May. Surveys at other times of the year may confirm the presence bit cannot be relied upon to confirm absence. If ponds are located within 250m of a proposed development a full amphibian survey must be undertaken at an appropriate time of year.

Weaver Ecology ltd offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Great crested newt on moss, Triturus cri

Nesting Birds

Nesting bird Information and the Law

All wild birds in the UK and their nests and eggs are protected by law. The definition of a 'wild bird'’ under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended is a species which is ordinarily resident in or is a visitor to 'the European Territory of any Member State' (of the EU). This is in line with the EC Birds Directive and makes it illegal to be in possession in the UK of any eggs or birds of any species taken from the wild in another Member State.

It is an offence to:

  • Kill, injure or take any wild bird.

  • Take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

  • Take or destroy the egg of any wild bird.

  • Have in one's possession or control any wild bird (dead or alive) or any part of a wild bird which has been taken in contravention of the Act or the Protection of Birds Act 1954.

  • Disturb any wild bird listed on Schedule 1 while it is nest building, or at a nest containing eggs or young, or disturb the dependent young of such a bird.

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment, and seizure of equipment. Both the company and the individuals can be held liable.

Nick Weaver Ecology offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Detail of blackbird eggs in nest.jpg


Reptile Information and the Law

Common reptiles are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Schedule 5 and are protected against intentional or reckless killing or injury.

Penalties for breaking the law can include large fines, imprisonment, and seizure of equipment. Both the company and the individuals can be held liable.


work in progress......

Weaver Ecology Ltd offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

Common lizard on a wall in the sunshine.

Water Voles

The water vole was once a familiar site on waterways and ponds throughout England.  However, it has suffered a catastrophic decline and its widespread survival is now seriously threatened.

Water Voles and the Law

work in progress....


work in progress.....

Nick Weaver Ecology offers a full range of protected species surveys, licensing and mitigation. For more information please contact us.

A little cute wild water vole in a hole.
Protected Species: Research
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